Friday, January 30, 2009

Culture Policing and blog freedom in India............

I wrote in my last article that I will be taking some break from writing but some recent happenings I wasn't able to stop myself from writing this article. Recently there was an attack on pub in Karnatka(one of the states in India) where so called saviors of culture attacked people hanging out there, molested girls and walk without any charges because they claim to protect the culture of India. I wasn't shocked on another of the similar incident as similar incidents happening every now and then and innocents continue to suffer from it. There was another incident which happened at same time when a newly married couple was shit dead because they had love marriage which was against the wishes of families. whenever something like this happens I wonder what a world are we living in where you can't even have freedom to have express yourself and can't live a life which you want to live. It makes me wonder that on one hand we talk of becoming a developed with being globally accepted but on the other hand we have people like these who don't value a human life and freedom of a human just because they think what they believe is the right thing in this world and worse people in power don't act against these people.

I would also like to say my fellow blogger's when you have incidents like these happening around us How can you expect Blog freedom? Aren't we expecting to much when we say about blog freedom and freedom to speech when on ground reality we have people killing someone or hurting someone just because they feel its wrong. I was really disappointed when I read about the latest NDTV vs Blog world matter, it reminded me the horrors of Gaurav Sabnis vs IIPM case where all limits were crossed and all so fundamental right were ignored or we felt like they were never there.

I would just say that our country still need more time to break free of these shackles and truly give its citizens there Fundamental Rights which were given to them by the its Constitution.

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