Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Pain of being Helpless

It was again the same feeling which pierced through me and I was left again in pain. The pain of being helpless. The pain of unable to understand Why ? Why these innocent people ? Again time after time some few people decide that they want play havoc with lives of people.

Today I was preparing for my Thanks Giving holidays and then suddenly some flashes of news coming and then it just went on and on, it was like a nightmare unfolding and it just went to worst limits I could have ever imagined. I felt helpless when all this was happening, I love my country and is passionate about it. But when these things happen I feel like what can I do ? My homeland, My country is under attack and I am sitting here helpless just hoping and praying that things may get solved. I don't know what to do at this moment. I tried to sleep but again and again same thought comes to my mind , telling me how helpless I am, telling me how human life has lost its value. At this moment I would like to quote a poem again from one of my favorite books May I by Bhupati Das

What did Adam Do

there is a reason for death
there is a reason for life

but what I don't see any where everyday is is same
as the other day where existence just means survival
fighting against dearth of everything

oh god
What did Adam do to deserve such a painful deal........

I would like to beg, plead the people in power to step ahead and cut the roots of terrorism and do away this curse. I know saying must be very easy when I say to do away with this curse but its a high time we pick up the pieces of these puzzles and work towards solving this problem.

God Bless India and those people who have suffered the similar pain of being helpless.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hope and Pessimisism

We always say pessimism is bad but there is a positive side to it. I am not saying that pessimism is good thing but it is also not a very bad thing rather I will its say only bad. Being a pessimist you always think of worst but if you still have hope left then, you will continue to struggle and move forward but you will be very slow because being a pessimist you always think of worst and prepare for that. so a question comes up, Is it bad to prepare for the worst case scenarios ?

I will say yes and no both. Yes because you have prepared for those so you will have option which you kept for yourself but on the other hand it makes you think to much and you often tend to give too much attention to things which may not deserve.

But an important thing which makes pessimism only bad not very bad is hope. Recently I read few lines of a poet about hope which I would like to quote here from a poem by Bhupati Das:
"I wait for
the tomorrow
that would bring hope and laughter to me

when that tomorrow
turns today
the illusions called hope runs away

I would run after it
stumbling but not falling
someday I would run faster and catch it
the hope "

Here poet is being pessimistic but he is still hopeful, hopeful for a better tomorrow, if tomorrow doesn't comes then with a hope he will successfully achieve his dreams and this hope is what fuels the will to survive and will to thrive.

I hope tomorrow will come with better surprises for me, I hope I will take them on better than how I did today, I hope..............

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Self Respect

It just came to my mind today when I was talking to my friend today, Self Respect

What does it really mean, Does it mean to have Ego or Does it mean to have respect of yourself ? Confusing right ?

Let me explain, Self Respect mean to do those actions which respect your true self, if it means being Humble then do it, Its a self respect. If it means to say sorry 100 times because you hurt some then say it, its self respect. Its very simple self respect means to respect your principles, your values not what we generally say. I find a very different meaning of self respect in society around me. If you say sorry to someone many times even though it was your fault they feel you do not have any self respect or your other fellow people think you don't have any self respect just because you are saying sorry so many times, what should I understand of Self Respect. Does it mean I only have Self Respect when I have a boasting Ego. I have Self Respect only when I am not humble. I am self Respecting man when I don't help someone because he didn't when I needed.

What is Self Respect ? I always use to ask this question to myself, but then I found a meaning and decided to stick to it for my life. Self Respect means if at the end of day you can look into your eyes in mirror for all your actions , then yes you have self respect because you did what respects your own very values of life, your own very principles of life.

I don't know how many people will agree with this definition of Self Respect but this definition makes me stick to those human values which have been lost in this materialistic competitive world.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Religion......Its a mere Eight letter word but it holds they key to every other problem of unrest in this world ranging from Palestine to LTTE to Basque to Islamic Radicals across the world to recent Hindu Radicals...

Religion what does religion mean ? what is the purpose of a religion ? As far as I understand all religions teaches us one thing to serve humanity, to serve the needy but are we doing that. We go to church, Temples, Mosque and we do Sunday services or some festive services and we say we serve. But question is whether are we serving Humanity ?

Let me put it this way, we go to our religious places and say we serve but actually we only serve our religious brother and sisters. I would like to ask one question, how many of us has gone to other religion praying places and served people there ? How many of us ?

I remember when I tried to do that i was stopped by our society but why ? Why we question a person when he visits other religious place, see him like a traitor to religion. But does religion teaches that ?

Whenever some act of terrorism happens we blame it on radicals but aren't those radicals just a step further ahead of us, just a step. We are also radical because we don't and go help other religion people, these people just went a step ahead and started killing them and then we say no these radicals are like we are not one of them. I think only way to stop terrorism is equal respect of all religions rather I should there shouldn't be any religion which does not inspire you to serve other religion followers. We have to acknowledge the fact that if we have to defeat this curse of terrorism we have to start by inspiring our fellow religious brother and sisters to come forward and serve other religions. Also I would say that our religious leaders should step forward and take this step for the sake of Humanity , for the sake of our coming Generations.....

I would just say.....SERVE HUMANITY...SERVE ANYONE because ANYONE IS EVERYONE..........

Recent Emergence of hindu Radicals in India

Well before writing this article I thought a lot to whether write it or not but it is an issue very close to my heart so could not stop myself. In past few months there has been sudden upsurge Hindu Radicals and with recent outcomes of Blast probes proved again that any act of terrorism is solely an act of radical thinking be it Hindu or Muslim or any other religion. When I first read the reports of involvement of Hindu radicals in bomb blasts in Malegaon I was not able to believe because it was the last thing which India wanted, as another terrorism front to be taken care off.
After following all those reports I ask a question to myself
Why , Why these people want to take innocent people lives ? What they get out of it ? But even after thinking over it for so long I have never been able to found an answer. sometimes I think that these people are insane but how can a insane mind plan so much ? We blame various intelligence organizations of other countries in world for creating and funding terror groups around the world to cause unrest, But what about these new homegrown breed of terrorists. What is remedy for them ?

I think if government takes a step and try to ban these radical organization it would spell disaster as they will do more propaganda then but on the other hand if government doesn't they will continue to flourish. I think its time that we The People of India should understand that supporting any form of radical politics will bring more harm to country. Till now we were facing terrorists threats mostly from Al-Qaida or its funded groups but now this new thing.

I think I won't be able to stop myself because I am still in a state of surprise after reading the findings and will only request rather beg my fellow Indian please stop this hatred, Why you want to burn a Church , why you want to divide yourself on basis of Language , Why you want to divide again on basis of state..Why ?

Its a question which should be raised Why ? What we will get by this ? Whom we are hating so much ...fellow Indians....just because he is of a different religion , he speaks a different language than yours, he migrated from his homeland to work in your state....Sometimes it sounds ridiculous that these radicals sometimes calls themselves as true nationalists but they are biggest traitors and I would request all Indian politicians to come out together against this new breed of terrorism and crush....before it spreads...

I would only say at end God Bless India................................