Saturday, November 8, 2008


Religion......Its a mere Eight letter word but it holds they key to every other problem of unrest in this world ranging from Palestine to LTTE to Basque to Islamic Radicals across the world to recent Hindu Radicals...

Religion what does religion mean ? what is the purpose of a religion ? As far as I understand all religions teaches us one thing to serve humanity, to serve the needy but are we doing that. We go to church, Temples, Mosque and we do Sunday services or some festive services and we say we serve. But question is whether are we serving Humanity ?

Let me put it this way, we go to our religious places and say we serve but actually we only serve our religious brother and sisters. I would like to ask one question, how many of us has gone to other religion praying places and served people there ? How many of us ?

I remember when I tried to do that i was stopped by our society but why ? Why we question a person when he visits other religious place, see him like a traitor to religion. But does religion teaches that ?

Whenever some act of terrorism happens we blame it on radicals but aren't those radicals just a step further ahead of us, just a step. We are also radical because we don't and go help other religion people, these people just went a step ahead and started killing them and then we say no these radicals are like we are not one of them. I think only way to stop terrorism is equal respect of all religions rather I should there shouldn't be any religion which does not inspire you to serve other religion followers. We have to acknowledge the fact that if we have to defeat this curse of terrorism we have to start by inspiring our fellow religious brother and sisters to come forward and serve other religions. Also I would say that our religious leaders should step forward and take this step for the sake of Humanity , for the sake of our coming Generations.....

I would just say.....SERVE HUMANITY...SERVE ANYONE because ANYONE IS EVERYONE..........

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