Sunday, November 9, 2008

Self Respect

It just came to my mind today when I was talking to my friend today, Self Respect

What does it really mean, Does it mean to have Ego or Does it mean to have respect of yourself ? Confusing right ?

Let me explain, Self Respect mean to do those actions which respect your true self, if it means being Humble then do it, Its a self respect. If it means to say sorry 100 times because you hurt some then say it, its self respect. Its very simple self respect means to respect your principles, your values not what we generally say. I find a very different meaning of self respect in society around me. If you say sorry to someone many times even though it was your fault they feel you do not have any self respect or your other fellow people think you don't have any self respect just because you are saying sorry so many times, what should I understand of Self Respect. Does it mean I only have Self Respect when I have a boasting Ego. I have Self Respect only when I am not humble. I am self Respecting man when I don't help someone because he didn't when I needed.

What is Self Respect ? I always use to ask this question to myself, but then I found a meaning and decided to stick to it for my life. Self Respect means if at the end of day you can look into your eyes in mirror for all your actions , then yes you have self respect because you did what respects your own very values of life, your own very principles of life.

I don't know how many people will agree with this definition of Self Respect but this definition makes me stick to those human values which have been lost in this materialistic competitive world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you should read Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard.